“Two Nests, Love From both”
Documentary Interactive Theatre
《雙棲》是華語地區第一部以離異父母共享親職(co-parenting)的親身經歷為題,並由劇場演員與經歷離異風暴家屬共同擔綱的作品。由雙棲創作團隊策劃及製作,以真實故事改編,經過兩年的讀劇演出與故事收集,把觀眾的笑與淚一併寫進劇本。 台灣水面上與水面下劇場創辦人張嘉容獲邀擔任是次製作的戲劇顧問,為《雙棲》的觀演增強「厚度」,讓觀眾不再只是乖乖坐在席上,而是親身參與其中。
At the age of seven, I thought about what would others do when you miss someone? At that time, I covered up the one I missed with pillow, no one could stop me dreaming of him. When I grew up, I realised I was a bird, flying back and forth between Papa’s and Mama’s homes. Now, I bring along the branches they have gifted me, to build my own nest.
“Two nests – Love from both” features the theme of how divorced families exercising “Child-focused, Co-parenting”. This project is the first of its kind, which is co-created by divorced family members and performers in Asia. Curated and produced by Two Nests Creation, this collective work is based on true stories, after two years of staging in the reader’s theatre format and collecting stories, which also embodied the smiles and tears of audiences.
Chang Chia-Jung from Le Théâtre de l’Eau Dessus Dessous (Taiwan) is invited to be the Dramaturgy for the upcoming production. Sharing her unique way of theatre making, “aqua round assembly theatre” let the audiences experience the performance by involving themselves, which intensified the theme of the show.
創作及製作人員 Creative Team
概念策劃 Curation | 阮絡伶 Circle Yuen
戲劇顧問 Dramaturgy | 張嘉容Chang Chia-Jung^ (台灣Taiwan)
採編、研究及原創文本 Editing, Research and Original Playscript |鄭華珠 Jessica Cheng
監製 Producer |陳家蔚 Kiwi Chan
創作及研究演員 Interview & Act |阮絡伶 Circle Yuen、陳家蔚 Kiwi Chan、梁慧詩 Rachel Leung、王 磊 Wong Lui
舞台及燈光設計 Stage and Lighting Design |陳岱昕 Dawn Chan
現場音樂及聲音設計Sound design and Live Musician |周雪甄 Cat Chau、黃欣慰 Esther Wong
舞台監督 Stage Manager |熊子傑 Cyrus Hung
助理舞台監督 Assistant Stage Manager |林學賢 Isaac Lam、叶謹誠 Nicholas Yip、黃俊賢 Amen Wong Chun Yin
佈景製作助理 Set Production Assistant |賴藹怡 Lai Erica Oi Yi
主視覺設計 Key Visual Design |Meg Tam
舞台攝影 Stage Photography |曾威威 Wilson Tsang@ Pina Photographs
英文譯本 English Translation |梁嘉慧 Ka Wai Leung
場刊翻譯 House Programme Translation |袁晞韵 Harmony Yuen
前台 Front of House |鄺慧妍 Vivian Kwong Wai Yin、林詠瑜 Lam Wing Yu
^ @台灣水面上與水面下劇場 Le Théâtre de l'Eau Dessus Dessous,Taiwan

Producer、Interview & Act
「雙棲2.0」讓我重寫過去的一句感言 - 「我喜歡故事,卻害怕關係,因為一旦在乎,就要有被顛覆的心理準備。」