PINCH VIDEO 001 | Butoh Dance
Creative Concept & Production
by Stir Production
Artist : Kiwi Chan
Producer : Yu@Stir
Creative : Stir
Copywriting : Yu@Stir
Director : Kalun@Stir
Photographer : Benny@Stir
DOP : Little4
Gaffer : Yin
Production : Stir
Colorist : Yin
Vo Talent : Karen
An independent artist and creative producer, whom creations focus on Butoh, experimental theatre, and site-specific dance. Graduated from Inter-cultural studies (MA) of The Hong Kong Chinese University in 2013.
As a performing artist, she enjoys the dilemma of body, Butoh and Contact Improvisation have been her biggest inspiration since 2012. She is particularly drawn to oriental aesthetics, which have exerted a profound and enduring influence on her way of seeing, as well served as the base in her artistic expression. She devotes herself to contemporary theatre, as she believes that performing art is the best field for sharing the presence.
Recent director’s works included: Our Mountains & Seas 2049 - VR Theatre (2023), Life with Elephant – Community Sound Mapping (2022), A Mind Apart - Immersive Theatre Experience with Virtual Reality (2021), A Capsule of Being - Devising Theatre (2021), Let’s Be Together Arts Festival 2021 Programme: It’s Okay (2021) etc. Butoh-inspired productions included: : dance theatre Seven Almost Deadly Solos (2024), performance pack/unpack (2023), dance video like a bubble, like a dream (2022), performance Love Elasticity of Demand (2022), dance video The Loss of the Indigo Child (2021), Solo-presentation Indigo Appetite: The Weird Fishes (2020), Site-specific dance The Wrong Suzie (2018), indie theatre work Crimson Appetite and co-creation Possi/Proba-bility (2017) etc.
Found KIWI & ZENZERO STUDIO in 2018 and establised a non-profit arts group STAR & DUST COLLECTIVE in 2021, with a commitment to arts project curation and production.
Co-Founder of a theatre group named Finding C Theatre (2019), curated a project series "Turn of Wrestling Tables"Series, to investigate “the power struggles between sexes”. We hosted a thematic workshop at Anti-Sexual Violence Resource Centre in July, and created a devised theatre work in December 2019.
2013 - 2015 projects included: Co-artistic director of Norma-phobia, productions included I am (not) a Butoh Artist (2015), BiLoom 2.0 (2015) and BiLoom (2014).
Co-Founder of a experimental theatre group named HerStory Polygon (2010 – 2015), current production Eat Me A Body Secret by HerStory Polygon (2015). Other productions included: script writer and director of video work Muggle Lost In the Maze (2015), Curator for sound-tour City-hunt for a Cow (2014), co-director of experimental video work The Grey Sooth (2014), performed in Bodylab: Peek-a-Boo (The 13th Macao City Fringe Festival), produce and perform in HK Butoh Festival 2013: WHB?! etc.
陳家蔚 Kiwi CHAN

Photo credit : Dwan Chan
近年導演作品包括:《山海二零四玖 Our Mountains & Seas 2049》虛擬實驗劇場(2023)、《尋找大象 》- 社區聲音地圖集(2022)、《轉念之間 A Mind Apart》 - 沉浸式劇場體驗配以虛擬實境 (2021)、小劇場編作展演《溯洄從之 A Capsule of Being》(2021)及不貧窮藝術節 x 香港2021《 也好 it’s okay》(2021)等。
類舞踏相關創作包括: 舞劇《7種罪與獨舞的可能》(2024)、獨舞《留/離pack/unpack》(2023)、 舞蹈影像《泡泡三千 like a bubble, like a dream》(2022)、獨舞《媽嘛麻麻嗎?Love Elasticity of Demand》(2022)、編舞影片《沒有靛藍色的小孩 The Loss of the Indigo Child》(2021)、 獨舞演出《靛藍的食慾 Indigo Appetite - 怪魚 The Weird Fishes》(2020)、環境舞蹈《The Wrong Suzie》(2018) 、編導劇場作品《紅色的食慾Crimson Appetite》(2018) 及聯合創作《無關 種種Possi/Proba-bility》(2017)等。
2018年創立工作室 KIWI & ZENZERO STUDIO,並於 2021年成立非牟利藝術團體「一與異作邦」,主力策劃及製作文化藝術相關項目。
2011年與友人集結為青年實驗藝術團體「她說HerStory」,團體關注社會及性別議題,參與製作《月事說》(2012)、《N個被XX的革命現場》(2012)、《饕餮圖》(2012,前進進主辦「末日牛棚異境」展演節目)、《七個猶太小孩》(2013,街頭讀劇演出)、《獨樂劇場 Ohitorisama》無倣舍(福岡)x 她說(香港)(小劇場.大戲劇亞洲交流主辦) 。2013年與反性暴力資源中心Anti-480合作,於大專院校及中學巡迴演出編作教育劇場《愛非愛》,同時參演風雨蘭及Anti-480主辦之《你聽我說的身體故事:性別/暴力藝術展》(2013)、關注婦女性暴力協會委約《身體航海誌:月事說》(2014)戲劇演出、集體創作短劇《2046/被蕭紅了的名字》(2014) 參與南區文學節。
其他參與製作包括, 她說創作單位《能吃的身體袐密》、策劃聲音之旅《尋找城市中的牛牛》、編導2015草根電影拍攝計劃短片《夢遊土瓜》、聯合導演實驗錄像作品《幽微關係The Grey Sooth》、Bodylab製作澳門城市藝穩節的免費劇目《大人之繪本》(2013)、策劃及監製《HK Butoh Festival 2013: 舞咩踏?!》等。